Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This girl is the nature lover,sunset lover most!...When she 'play' with sunset just like she can talk to them,whispering each other.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Its making me..me..me

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Is looking foward for 14hb Feb..wanna see my Babe but cant do that..kasiwa jiwa ku!..i only got red bed roses,but its okay then..nanti i tebus the 'day'.
Besides,enjoyed my Chinese New Year's break wif him and family.I love that moments babe...wanna have some more,can it be?..ini pn sudah kana bgi Panadol,so that can tahan untill 14feb..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh my...it seems like i haven't visiting my blog for a long time,and yes it is!..happy belated new year.Wrap my year with joyful.
I actually dont like 'fill in the _______'.There are many words i just can put there for what i really desire-ing,unfortunately i cant reach it without 'usaha karas'.Motivations??..yeah of course i need it(intrinsic and extrinsic).Many lesson from what happen in the past.